Do Miyosmart lens really work?

Do Miyosmart lens really work?

What is Miyosmart? 

It was released in Summer 2018. HOYA Corporation announces new product launch on MIYOSMART with D.I.M.S [Defocus Incorporated Mutiple Segments]Technology to reduce myopia progression in myopic children and teenager. 

Miyosmart is an innovative ophthalmic lens for myopia control developed by Hoya Vision Care in cooperation with its research collaborator, The Hong Kong Polytechnic (polyU). Engineered specifically correct myopic refractive error and slow down myopia progression. 

In layman terms, it helps to slow down myopia progression. SLOW DOWN, Not stop myopia.

Why should I care whether myopia goes up or down?

Wait, but why should I care whether myopia goes up or down in the first place? I mean, most of my friends and their kids are wearing glasses. So what is the big deal of myopia control lens?

These are some questions that you might be running through your head when looking at this Miyosmart lens. The reasons why optician/optometrist/eye doctor is worried about the increment of myopia is due to these reasons:

1] the earlier the kids start wearing glasses, the higher chance that the kid’s myopia degree will go higher and higher. The younger they start having myopia, the higher it will go as they grow up.

2] High myopic eyes have a higher chance of getting eyes complication. Such as Glaucoma, Cataract, Chorioreintal degenerations and Retinal Detachment. These eyes complication can results in permanent visual loss.

Above image shows that traditional correction does not help in controlling myopia

How does it work? 

By controlling light rays entering the eyes. MIyosmart is able to control the light rays entering the eyes. So through refraction, it controls the landing point of light rays onto the retina. 

Miyosmart with D.IM.S Technology is a single vision corrective lens with a convex surface that is comprised of hundreds of small segments, each providing myopic defocus. When the eye sees through the pupil-sized area, shown in the illustration, which covers an area of 6-7 small segments, there will be 2 focuses in the eye.

One is in front of the retina, focused by the light passing through the segments of the lens, making each segment form a focal point. The other focus is on the retina, focused by the light passing through the area without segments. This lens structure makes it possible to simultaneously retard the growth of the eyeball and provide clear vision. 

Within the 1.03 mm diameter circle area in the center of the lens, there are no defocus segments. This is designed to make it possible to measure lens power and correct refractive error to meet clear vision needs.

You can read here for more information on how defocus works in our eyes by Earl L. Smith.

Hoya Miyosmart Lens Design

How much does it cost?

As parents, it will be very worthwhile to invest in a pair of myopia-controlled lenses, to ensure that your kid’s myopia will not go out of control. With the cost of $530 for one pair of lenses. It will definitely be a worthwhile investment in your kid’s eye health! By controlling their myopia, they may still have the chance of being a Pilot!

Conclusion – Are the Lenses safe for my kids?

The short answer is Yes.

Miyosmart uses high-impact resistance lens material which helps to protect your kid’s eyes. So you do not need to worry if the lens will break into pieces and injure their eyes. It also comes with an easy to-wipe special anti-reflective durable coating. It helps to prevent water stains on the lenses.Most Importantly, it helps to control myopia progression. 

As our kid’s lifestyles are spending more time on near work activities, research has shown that it is associated with a higher chance of having myopia. Other factors such as spending less time outdoors, the high value placed on education performance, and other lifestyle considerations, indicate that the incidence of myopia in children will increase.

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