About Me

An Introvert Childhood

Born in 1988, my character is quiet and independent and more inclined to the introvert side. Facing difficulty to keep up with my studies. These periods are facing lots of stress.

Always going to my remedial classes in school, and always sick and tired from all my tuition classes. I still remember i have difficulty pronouncing HIP=PO=PO=TA-MUS

I think due to all these factors, i became quiet, and inferior about myself and i lead a lonely primary school life. Going to school everyday has become a stressful event for me. 

During that time, i feel that people who are wearing glasses looks very smart and do very well in their studies. Thus, i try to force myself to wear glasses. I will read in the dark, sit very close to TV, squint my eyes. I tried lots of crazy way to get myopic, just to get a pair of glasses.

Thinking back, i think its hilarious that i do so much things to make myself myopic. Luckily, up until now my eyesight is close to perfect vision. I’m so proud of that!

Secondary School to Polytechnic Period

I Managed to sail through smoothly to reach Singapore Polytechnic and enrolled myself in an Optometry course.While studying , I have worked in various part time jobs. Eg,Ice cream seller, working in a film processing retail shop ,before digital cameras appeared on phones , people used to develop pictures on the film itself. And tuition teacher before, so I can tell you that I am absolutely patient with the kids!

Age 23 and beyond….

Graduated from the polytechnic, and I decided to start working instead of going for the next degree as I have no idea what to focus on. So I started to work in Optique Paris Miki optical shop and managed to get my Full registered Optometrist Licence in 1 year.

After getting the Full registered optometrist licence, guess what ? I changed my career choice to the Insurance sector. It was kinda challenging for me. During these periods, I have tried on many things. Working as a SIMSCI Trader, Financial Advisors, Push Ads, Dropshipping. Eventually, I left the insurance sector and went back to Optical Trade.

After working as a Store Manager in 2 different optical stores. I decided to take a leap of faith and started my own business in 2019. 

Looking back on my journey, I’m really appreciative of different people that had crossed paths with me. It lets me grow and develop to be a better person each and everyday. 

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