Are Magnetic Eyeliner and Lashes Safe to Use?

For those who’ve had to deal with the pain of using tacky glue to get the lash look they want, deal no more. Magnetic eyelashes are a safe, simple way to apply and wear false eyelashes without the sticky and painful situation caused by lash glue.

What are magnetic eyelashes?

Magnetic eyelashes are a less fussy alternative to the traditional glue-adhesive eyelashes. Until recently, false eyelashes were kept in place by applying glue to them, waiting for the glue to dry to the “right” consistency, then placing the false lashes near your eyelashes.

Long Eyelashes

Whereas, the magnetic eyeliner offers a precise application that resembles traditional liquid eyeliners and dries quickly and isn’t messy when applying (a struggle fake lash enthusiasts know all too well with traditional lash glue).

Is magnetic eyeliner safe?

Yes, the FDA has approved magnetic eyeliner to be used under or around the eye. The product satisfy the FDA requirements to manufacture eye cosmetics. The formulation for magnet eyelash liner is essentially identical to normal eyelash liner.Except the occurrence of more iron oxides are higher.

For sensitive people whose hands are exposed to metallic objects they may need to perform patches tests on their forearms. When applying magnetic eyeliner to the eyelids, there is a good chance it will not affect the eye’s appearance.

Are magnetic eyelashes safe?

Yeah. Magnetic lashes actually have a higher safety level compared to other false eyelashes using harsh, irritating materials.

Magnetic eyeliner is a trendier alternative to traditional false lashes. It has small magnets that allow the item to adhere easily to the eyelids and without using glue.Plus, using magnetic eyeliners or using sandwich techniques allows fewer chances of errors than glue-on lashes.

You can master the art of applying magnetic lashes without worry. There are minimal risks in applying magnetic lashes. Nonetheless, follow these tips for safely placing them on your lash line:

  • Prior to using them, test magnetic lashes to see if they can be safely attached to your natural lashes
  • Check their properties for any allergens. Make sure they only use high-quality human or synthetic hairs to guarantee safe use
  • When you want to apply your lashes, wash your hands ahead of time before touching your eyelids. You will need dry and clean hands to avoid the possibility of infection.

Using magnetic eyeliner

Magnetic lashes, such as the Glamnetics, can be matched with magnetic eyeliner. Because eyeliner is liquid it allows you to feel the magnetic flow from the eye. For that purpose it is necessary to put eyeliner around the lash lines and then apply the eyelashes. Magnetic eyeliner is made with iron oxides which are pigmented minerals are common in cosmetic products.

The increased iron dioxide levels of eyeliners make them magnetic. After applying a thin coat of eyeliner and letting it dry, the tiny magnets on lashes are easily aligned and stick together to the lining. If your eyelashes need adjustment just pull them back from the magnet eyeliners and realign.

What to look for when shopping for the best magnetic eyelashes

The eyes have different sizes and your lashes volume will have different properties.Wispy eyelashes are the best for lids. Its soft feathery properties add subtle volume and make eyes bigger according to eyelash experts.

Small eye groups may try cluster lashes allowing for a variety of shapes — eye or cat eye or otherwise. Big eyes can handle lash types, while thin lashes give volume and tiny lashes add subtle definition.

Eyelure ProMagnetic Magnetic Eyeliner & Faux Mink Accent Lash System

“Sandwiching” magnetic eyelashes

If eyeliner is not what you prefer, then a magnetic lashline may be beneficial. It requires upper and lower eyelash sets. Here is a step by step procedure for separating Magnetic eyelashes.

Place the “top” pair of lashes magnetically close to the eyelash line, as close as possible to the lash line without touching. Take your “Bottom” lashes and line it under your normal lashes. The magnets in the top and lower sets must connect, sandwiching the natural lashes between.

Potential risks of magnetic eyelashes

Magnetic eyeliner has been proven safe, but it has risks. It is necessary to use a thin lining to apply and avoid the oily gland in the eyelid. Although not well-recorded, clinical trials show that skin allergies may arise if the skin touches unclean pen tips.

Magnetic eyelashes pose some risk to people. The most commonly reported dangers include: Irritation Allergic reactions

  • Eyelid pinching upon lash application
  • Lash falls out
  • Immunised eyelashes
  • Eyelid fatigue

Manufacturers can produce faux eyelashes using human hair or artificial fiber that may cause irritation. One thing to highlight, you shouldn’t wear a magnetic eyelash when having an MRI. The scan uses magnetic fields that could lead to injuries when magnetic lashes appear.

Removing Magnetic lashes safety tips

There are a number of important safety tips to keep in mind when using magnetic lashes. Magnetic Lash Removal Dos: When removing magnetic lashes, take it slow and steady to avoid ripping out the natural lashes from the hair follicles.

To remove magnetic lashes, gently pull them apart by lifting the top lash up and pulling the bottom one down. You can also slide the top and bottom magnets away from each other individually. Magnetic Lash Removal Don’ts: Don’t pull magnetic lashes straight off, as this could harm your natural lashes or rip them out.

Can using magnets lashes alter your natural lash growth?

Like lashes can be damaged by man-made extension, it can also be harmful to the lashes of magnetic. It’s a good idea to clarify that the lashes are less susceptible to shedding lash length than the lashes growth.

Most woman said the biggest concern is removing the mascara from her lashes

Lash loss or baldness? This was my main problem with lash extensions. Eventually, over time, the weight of the fake lashes on your natural lash will cause them to fall out. If you’re young or have very sturdy lashes, that’s not a problem.

But for some, extensions can cause bald spots of their natural lashes. It did for me. So, I’m careful now when I do any kind of lashes. I will pay attention on whether the weight of the fake lashes rests on my eyelid or on the natural lashes themselves. The lashes that come with magnetic liner adhere to the the eyeliner, which is on the eyelid skin. Therefore, it shouldn’t cause lash loss.

Do a patch test on your skin (preferably on the inside of your elbow, behind the ear or a small line on the outer corners of each eye) and wait 24 hours before applying the magnetic eyeliner and lashes to your entire lid. If you do have a reaction, discontinue immediately.

Loss of natural lashes will be higher ,If you pull off the lashes in a rough matter or wear falsies daily, you’re at risk of breakage, bald spots or having your natural lashes grow in the wrong direction.

Remember: Be gentle during the removal, so you can prevent any lash loss in the future. Also consider giving your lashes a break.

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