living the quality life that you ever wanted

Good Vision | Quality Lifestyle


Lifestyle Optometrist in work

Low Elaine

With years of experience in the optical industry, Elaine is well specialise in these area:

Helping Children to Slow down Eye Prescription Power

Improving Comfort of Your Eyes | Reduce Eye Strain

Helping Adults To See Clearly in Far & Near Vision

Reduce Dry Eyes Symptoms

Improving Lifestyle Through Good Vision


High-Risk Pre-Diabetes: A Personal Action Plan

High-Risk Pre-Diabetes Patient Report (Shocking!) Recently, I went for my health screening and was informed that I’m in the high-risk pre-diabetes group. This news was quite shocking to me. While I understand that diabetes is common due to sedentary lifestyles and poor diets, I didn’t expect to be at high risk myself. My blood sugar…

Environment | EYE HEALTH | Eye strain | Visual Tips

Smart Lighting Solutions for Productivity and Eye Health: A Guide for Professionals

In today’s fast-paced digital world, professionals are spending more time in front of screens than ever before. Whether you’re working from a home office or a bustling co-working space, the quality of lighting in your workspace can significantly impact your productivity and eye health. As we delve into the future of lighting technology, it’s essential…

Blurry Vision | Eye strain | Personalize Service | Red and Tired eyes | Visual Tips

How Long Does Eye Strain Last? Eradicating Eye Strain and Essential Strategies for Digital Workers

Eye strain, or asthenopia, is common when your eyes get tired from intense use. This can manifest as discomfort, fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, or even shoulder and neck pain. Typically, symptoms of eye strain are felt after long periods of driving, reading, or staring at digital devices. So, how long does eye strain last? Generally,…

Clients | Personalize Service

Personalize Eyewear Shopping

My primary goal is to provide exceptional service to my clients by carefully selecting eyewear that suits their unique needs, preferences, and style. I understand that eyewear is not just a functional accessory but also a reflection of one’s personality and fashion sense. My service-oriented point of view revolves around three key principles: understanding, expertise,…


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You can look for me over here

Blk 328 Clementi Ave 2, #01-192, Singapore 120328

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